We’re moving on up to the East Side!
We celebrated our last liturgy at 266 Mulberry Street February 3. But we’re going on!

Starting Saturday, February 9, we will celebrate services at the Church of St. Catherine of Siena, 411 East 68th Street between First and York Avenues on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York.
Vespers will be Saturday at 6 o’clock in the evening and Divine Liturgy will be celebrated Sunday at 11:15 AM. The nearest subway stops are 72nd Street on the new Q line (2nd Ave Subway) or 68th Street-Hunter College on the 6 train (Lexington Ave line).

Mother Catherine of Siena
The link between Russian Byzantine Catholics and the Dominican Order (and St. Catherine of Siena!) goes back to the early days of the Russian Byzantine Church. Vladimir and Anna Abrikosova were early members of the Russian Byzantine Catholic Church in Moscow in the early 20th century. They were Dominican tertiaries and then separated to enter religious life. Vladimir was ordained a priest and Anna became a third order regular Dominican taking the name Mother Catherine of Siena. Father Vladimir was eventually exiled and Mother Catherine died in a Soviet prison in 1936, imprisoned for practicing the faith. She is titled a Servant of God and her cause for canonization is open in Rome.